Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

As a junker, you can probably understand why one of my favorites Bible verses is:

2 Corinthians 5:17 ~~  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has gone, the new has come.

There's something so exciting about tossing out the old, and starting fresh again! 

And so here I am on New Year's Eve -- preparing to toss out another year and start fresh again.  It was a good year filled with some struggles, but mostly many blessings, including my daughter Becky getting engaged to a wonderful guy.  As I begin a new year and think about some things I would like to work on, I have added to the list a desire to keep this blog going.  It has been awhile since the last posting, but I think it would be worth keeping and a good way to build community among the Searchlight ladies -- and beyond! 

So, here's to fresh beginnings!  I hope you stop in, hopefully comment, and maybe even post too.  (It's easy, just let me know if you're interested).  An easy way to start is just to share something yourself.  How was your 2010?  And what are your hopes, plans, dreams, prayers, for 2011?
