Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fall Women's Retreat

Last weekend about 18 Searchlight women had the privilege of attending a women's retreat at Camp Geneva. The weekend got off to a great start as God seemed to be smiling down on us from the very beginning.
Our cheery hostess, Amy, was on hand to eagerly help everyone get settled in.
That didn't last for too long however.
It didn't take long for many of the women to find themselves meeting at the water's edge.

Amy shared some thoughts to take with us for the evening. We also had time to work in some fellowship, and goodies.

And a late night bonfire. (Oh, they're there, you just can't see 'em.)

Saturday was the big day! After a good breakfast, Nancy (a long time mentor and friend to Amy) graciously led us a on meaningful and thought-provoking discussion on prayer.

Of course TALKING about prayer is meager compared to the real deal. So our afternoon time was devoted to spending time alone with God. (Isn't that really the best part of any retreat?)
Some women found a quiet place to "squirrel" away with God.

While others took off exploring God and his incredible creation.

While still others chose to take advantage of that awesome beach (complete with cross) .

Those less-naturey types could always get lost in an imaginary crowd.

And for those looking for a roof over their heads, there was the neighborhood giant teepee.

There was a more traditional, expected spot for communing with God, but that was off limits to us. We did use the back room for our meetings, but the main chapel was in use for concert practice by a group of college students.

I assumed they were college students. Who else would be crazy enough to jump into Lake Michigan in the middle of September?

Actually, there were many other people on the grounds that weekend. We found that out when we went for our meals.

And what good meals they were. Geneva knows how to put on a good feed. But even better than a retreat with good food is a retreat with good friends!

Good food! Good friends! And a beautiful setting!

What a wonderful retreat! And what a great way to experience God in a very awesome and personal way.

1 comment:

  1. Hey all.... let me share how hard it is for "old eyes" to set up an account here.

    Putting in email address and password is pretty straight forward. Then they give you these letters and number combo that is all scrunched together and ask you to type in what was written. I would love to....if I could read it! LOL

    After 5 tries, my gracious and young daughter came over to help me amid my crying/yelling jag. And here I am.

    I don't know if it is this nasty cold I have or if my eyes really are that bad that I can't see all that clearly anymore.

    Nice pictures posted from the weekend retreat. And have enjoyed Tricia's writing.. as always.
