Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Self image struggles.

So who else out there struggles with self-image issues. I'm sure many do, but it's really easy to feel alone in that, right?

There's a delicate balance between wanting to be thinner, prettier, have less facial hair, arm hair, leg hair, thicker hair, straighter hair, curlier hair, be taller, shorter, less skinny, less fat and a turn towards self-loathing. Who are we if we can't look in our own mirrors and be happy with who we are? Who are we....we are human.

Fact is, we all know, deep down inside, that we are created in God's image and hating what we see in the mirror isn't right but it's so hard.

I struggle with weight, finding clothing that will hold up to spontaneous naps, clothing expenses, sensitivity to fragrances keeping me from smelling like a confident woman with pretty perfume, easy discomfort due to MS sensitivities leaving most jewelry out of the picture. It seems like a constant struggle.

There's also the struggle of eating what's good for me. It's not that I don't like those things. I can't be in a kitchen with the stovetop running due to the heat. I don't have the energy to prepare things. Fact is, pizza and Mountain Dew are my favorite. Easy prep and a little boost to get me to naptime. Ahhh...

So how is it that I can look at anyone, any size, shape, color, hairstyle and all that jazz and just see a person but when I look in the mirror I see so many flaws? How do we all learn to get past that and see ourselves as the beautiful person we are flaws and all?

Let's all get on the Stuart Smalley bandwagon: "I'm good enough; I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me."


  1. Hey *boom* was a familiar name for me! :)

  2. Okay Tricia, I hope you already know that you ARE good enough, and smart enough, and doggone it, Tricia, people DO like you. But your self-doubts are universal for all people, especially women. I blame the media and culture, but in reality it probably has been going on since the dawn of time. Eve probably said "Adam, does this fig leaf make my butt look big?". I need to remind myself that God not only made me the way I am, and loves me, but EAGERLY waits to be with me -- every minute of every day. That sustains me for awhile -- at least until the next round of self doubt.

  3. This one sure hits this week Tricia. Wonder why some weeks you can stand pretty strong here and other times not so much.
